4.7 Sample Scenario
The senior managers at MedSite held a meeting to select analysis team members. The team that they selected is shown in Table 4-3. With the exception of the logistics coordinator, all analysis team members were assigned to this effort on a half-time basis. An information technology member was identified as an alternate, because the work schedules of all information technology staff members were subject to emergency interruptions.
Table 4-3. Analysis Team Members
L. Pierce (analysis team leader) |
Operational manager for Surgery A |
J. Cutter (recorder) |
Mid-level administrative clerk from Records |
S. Nolan |
Information technology staff member |
K. Brown for logistics (part-time) |
Facilities assistant manager |
R. Green (alternate) |
Information technology staff member |
Selecting Participants
The analysis team members (including the alternate) received OCTAVE Method training about a month before they were scheduled to begin the evaluation. They worked with the senior managers to determine who would participate in process 1. The team and the senior managers then selected the operational areas to be evaluated and identified the managers of those areas. Table 4-4 shows the senior managers who will participate in process 1, while Table 4-5 shows the operational areas and managers selected to participate in process 2.
Once the operational area managers were identified, the analysis team met with them to select the staff participants. The information technology staff was to participate in a separate workshop from the one attended by general staff members.The analysis team decided to mix the representatives from the other operational areas into two workshops. The layout of the workshops is shown in Table 4-6.
Table 4-4. Senior Managers
P. Rollins |
Chief administrator |
B. Houston |
Director of admissions |
M. Samuelson |
Director of medical operations |
R. Smith |
Director of pathology |
C. Davidson |
Manager, Clinic D |
Table 4-5. Operational Areas and Operational Area Managers
Information technology |
J. Donaldson |
Outpatient records |
M. Davis |
Inpatient treatment |
L. Roland |
Lab 2 |
J. Livingston |
Table 4-6. General and Information Technology Staff Members
Information technology |
C. Jones |
Information technology staff workshop |
L. Gunnar |
Information technology staff workshop |
S. Leeds |
Information technology staff workshop |
Outpatient records |
K. Ambrose |
General staff workshop 1 |
S. Woods |
General staff workshop 2 |
W. Goodman |
General staff workshop 2 |
Inpatient treatment |
J. Simmons |
General staff workshop 1 |
S. Caller |
General staff workshop 2 |
M. Davidson |
General staff workshop 2 |
L. Madison |
General staff workshop 1 |
Lab 2 |
J. Fleet |
General staff workshop 1 |
K. Harriman |
General staff workshop 1 |
S. Thomas |
General staff workshop 2 |
MedSite's Schedule
Once the staff members were selected, the analysis team met and developed the schedule for the evaluation. Figure 4-3 shows MedSite's schedule for conducting the OCTAVE Method. All participants were invited to an initial briefing before the evaluation was conducted. Two senior managers attended the briefing and talked about their commitment to making the evaluation a success.

You are now ready to start the evaluation. Chapter 5 looks at the first three processes of the OCTAVE Method.