Le seguenti modifiche sono state apportate alle funzioni delle estensioni del pacchetto.
Version | Function | Description |
PHP 5.2.2 | DOMDocument::registerNodeClass | Prior to 5.2.2, a previously registered extendedclass had to be unregistered before being able to register a new class extending the same baseclass. |
7.0.0 | ob_start | In case ob_start is used inside an output buffer callback, this function will no longer issue an E_ERROR but instead an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, allowing custom error handlers to catch such errors. |
6 | error_reporting | E_STRICT è diventata parte di E_ALL. |
5.6.3 | pack | The "q", "Q", "J" and "P" codes were added to enable working with 64-bit numbers. |
5.6.0 | hash_algos | Support for gost-crypto was added. This implements the GOST hash function using the CryptoPro S-box tables as specified by RFC 4357, section 11.2. |
json_decode | Invalid non-lowercased variants of the true, false and null literals are no longer accepted as valid input, and will generate warnings. | |
mb_regex_encoding | Default encoding is changed to UTF-8. It was EUC-JP Previously. | |
mcrypt_create_iv | MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM is now the default value of source. | |
mcrypt_decrypt | Invalid key and iv sizes are no longer accepted. mcrypt_decrypt will now throw a warning and return FALSE if the inputs are invalid. Previously keys and IVs were padded with '\0' bytes to the next valid size. | |
mcrypt_encrypt | Invalid key and iv sizes are no longer accepted. mcrypt_encrypt will now throw a warning and return FALSE if the inputs are invalid. Previously keys and IVs were padded with '\0' bytes to the next valid size. | |
pg_lo_truncate | Added truncate function. It supports PostgreSQL 9.3's 64bit large object. Both client and server must support PostgreSQL 9.3 and PHP must be 64bit build to use 64bit large object. | |
stream_socket_enable_crypto | The crypto_type is now optional. | |
ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor | All internal classes can now be instantiated except for those declared final. | |
XMLReader::getAttributeNo | XMLReader::getAttributeNo now returns NULL if the attribute doesn't exist. | |
XMLReader::getAttributeNs | XMLReader::getAttributeNS now returns NULL if the attribute doesn't exist. | |
5.5.19/5.6.3 | imagescale | The calculation of the height if new_height was negative or omitted was fixed; prior to these versions, the aspect ratio was not maintained correctly. |
5.5.8 | DatePeriod::__construct | end type changed to DateTimeImmutable. Previously, DateTime. |
5.5.2 | DOMDocument::schemaValidate | Added the flags parameter |
DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource | Added the flags parameter | |
5.5.1 | hex2bin | A warning is thrown if the input string is invalid hexadecimal string. |
5.5.0/PECL 3.0.0 | IntlDateFormatter::create | An IntlCalendar object is allowed for calendar. Objects of type IntlTimeZone and DateTimeZone are allowed for timezone. Invalid timezone identifiers (including empty strings) are no longer allowed for timezone. If NULL is given for timezone, the timezone identifier given by date_default_timezone_get will be used instead of ICUʼs default. |
IntlDateFormatter::format | Support for providing IntlCalendar objects to the value parameter was added. | |
IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar | It became possible to pass an IntlCalendar object. | |
5.5.0 | DatePeriod::__construct | start type changed to DateTimeImmutable. Previously, DateTime. |
empty | empty ora supporta le espressioni, piuttosto che solo variabili. | |
gd_info | WebP Support added. | |
imagerotate | This function is now affected by the interpolation method set by the imagesetinterpolation function. | |
iterator_to_array | iterator_to_array gained support for key types other than integer and string when the use_keys parameter is enabled. | |
json_encode | depth parameter was added. | |
pack | The "Z" code was added with equivalent functionality to "a" for Perl compatibility. | |
setcookie | A Max-Age attribute is now included in the Set-Cookie header sent to the client. | |
setrawcookie | A Max-Age attribute is now included in the Set-Cookie header sent to the client. | |
unpack | Changes were made to bring this function into line with Perl: The "a" code now retains trailing NULL bytes. The "A" code now strips all trailing ASCII whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines, carriage returns, and NULL bytes). The "Z" code was added for NULL-padded strings, and removes trailing NULL bytes. | |
mysqli::commit | Added flags and name parameters. | |
mysqli::options | The MYSQLI_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY option was added. | |
mysqli::rollback | Added flags and name parameters. | |
SoapClient::SoapClient | New ssl_method option. | |
5.4.7 | parse_url | Fixed host recognition when scheme is omitted and a leading component separator is present. |
5.4.4 | hex2bin | A warning is thrown if the input string is of odd length. In PHP 5.4.0 the string was silently accepted, but the last byte was truncated. |
5.4.0/PECL 2.0.0b1 | idn_to_ascii | Added the parameters variant and idna_info; UTS #46 support. |
idn_to_utf8 | Added the parameters variant and idna_info; UTS #46 support. | |
5.4.0 | DOMDocument::loadHTML | Added options parameter. |
DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile | Added options parameter. | |
apache_child_terminate | Questa funzione diventa disponibile sotto FastCGI. Precedentemente, era supportata solo quando PHP era installato come modulo Apache. | |
array_combine | Le precedenti versioni generavano un E_WARNING e restituivano FALSE per gli array vuoti. | |
date_default_timezone_get | The TZ environment variable is no longer used to guess the timezone. | |
date_default_timezone_get | The timezone is no longer guessed from information available through the operating system as the guessed timezone can not be relied on. | |
dns_get_record | Added raw parameter. | |
empty | Il controllo su offset non numerici di stringhe restituisce TRUE. | |
filter_input_array | Added add_empty parameter. | |
filter_var_array | Added add_empty parameter. | |
gzcompress | Aggiunto il parametro encoding. | |
hash | The tiger algorithm now uses big-endian byte ordering. | |
hash_algos | Support for joaat, fnv132 and fnv164 was added. Support for Salsa10 and Salsa20 was removed. | |
htmlspecialchars_decode | The constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. | |
http_build_query | The enc_type parameter was added. | |
imagecolorset | The alpha parameter was added. | |
isset | Il controllo su offset di stringhe non numerici ora restituisce FALSE. | |
json_decode | The options parameter was added. | |
mb_encode_numericentity | Added is_hex parameter. | |
ob_start | The third parameter of ob_start changed from a boolean parameter called erase (which, if set to FALSE, would prevent the output buffer from being deleted until the script finished executing) to an integer parameter called flags. Unfortunately, this results in an API compatibility break for code written prior to PHP 5.4.0 that uses the third parameter. See the flags example for an example of how to handle this with code that needs to be compatible with both. | |
ob_start | A chunk size of 1 now results in chunks of 1 byte being sent to the output buffer. | |
openssl_decrypt | The raw_output was changed to options. | |
openssl_encrypt | The raw_output was changed to options. | |
scandir | sorting_order constants were added. Any nonzero value caused descending order in previous versions. So for all PHP versions, use 0 for ascending order, and 1 for descending order. An option for SCANDIR_SORT_NONE behavior did not exist prior to PHP 5.4.0. | |
snmp_set_valueretrieval | Constants SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN or SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY may be combined with SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT resulting different way of representing contents of value array element in return value of GET-function. If no SNMP_VALUE_{PLAIN,LIBRARY} constant is accompanying SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT, SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY is used. Prior to 5.4.0 SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT effecively meant SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT|SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN. | |
Phar::setStub | Added len parameter. | |
PharData::setStub | Added len parameter. | |
SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces | Added from_root parameter. | |
SoapClient::SoapClient | New keep_alive option. | |
5.4 | grapheme_substr | If length is given and positive and the argument string is shorter than the specified length, all the rest of the string according to start parameter is returned. Previously, FALSE was returned. |
5.3.9 | is_a | Aggiunto il parametro allow_string |
is_subclass_of | Aggiunto il parametro allow_string | |
5.3.7 | is_subclass_of | Aggiunto il supporto per class_name per funzionare come le interfacce |
5.3.6 | DateTime::modify | Absolute date/time statements now take effect. Previously, only relative parts were used. |
DOMDocument::saveHTML | The node parameter was added. | |
array_product | The product of an empty array is now 1, when before this function would return 0 for an empty array. | |
PDO_MYSQL DSN | Prior to version 5.3.6, charset was ignored. | |
5.3.4 | rawurlencode | Tilde characters are no longer encoded when rawurlencode is used with EBCDIC strings. |
sleep | Before PHP 5.3.4, on Windows, sleep always returns NULL when sleep has occurred, regardless of whether the sleep was interrupted or not. | |
IntlDateFormatter::format | Support for providing DateTime objects to the value parameter was added. | |
mysqli_driver::$report_mode | Changing the reporting mode is now be per-request, rather than per-process. | |
5.3.3 | DOMXPath::evaluate | The registerNodeNS parameter was added. |
DOMXPath::query | The registerNodeNS parameter was added. | |
json_encode | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK option was added. | |
ldap_sasl_bind | Support on Windows was added. | |
openssl_decrypt | The iv parameter was added. | |
openssl_encrypt | The iv parameter was added. | |
parse_url | Removed the E_WARNING that was emitted when URL parsing failed. | |
5.3.2 (PECL OCI8 1.4) | oci_set_prefetch | Before this release, rows must be >= 1. |
5.3.2 | imap_append | Added INTERNALDATE support to imap_append. |
imap_open | params added | |
5.3.0 (PECL OCI8 1.3.4) | oci_set_prefetch | Before this release, prefetching was limited to the lesser of rows rows and 1024 * rows bytes. The byte size restriction has now been removed. |
5.3.0 | DateTime::__construct | If time contains an invalid date/time format, then an exception is now thrown. Previously an error was emitted. |
DateTime::modify | Modificato il valore di ritorno in caso di successo da NULL a DateTime. | |
DateTime::setDate | Modificato il valore di ritorno in caso di successo da NULL a DateTime. | |
DateTime::setISODate | Modificato il valore di ritorno in caso di successo da NULL a DateTime. | |
DateTime::setTime | Modificato il valore di ritorno in caso di successo da NULL a DateTime. | |
DateTime::setTimezone | Modificato il valore di ritorno in caso di successo da NULL a DateTime. | |
DateTimeZone::getTransitions | The optional timestamp_begin and timestamp_end were added. | |
DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers | Added the optional what and country parameters. | |
DirectoryIterator::__construct | Throws UnexpectedValueException if the path cannot be opened. | |
call_user_func | The interpretation of object oriented keywords like parent and self has changed. Previously, calling them using the double colon syntax would emit an E_STRICT warning because they were interpreted as static. | |
call_user_func_array | The interpretation of object oriented keywords like parent and self has changed. Previously, calling them using the double colon syntax would emit an E_STRICT warning because they were interpreted as static. | |
date_default_timezone_set | Now throws E_WARNING rather than E_STRICT. | |
dns_get_record | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
dns_get_record | Prior to this release, if the authns parameter was given, the addtl parameter was also required. | |
exif_imagetype | Added icon support. | |
fnmatch | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
func_get_arg | This function can now be used in parameter lists. | |
func_get_arg | If this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns FALSE. | |
func_get_args | If this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns FALSE. | |
func_get_args | This function can now be used in parameter lists. | |
func_num_args | If this function is called from the outermost scope of a file which has been included by calling include or require from within a function in the calling file, it now generates a warning and returns -1. | |
func_num_args | This function can now be used in parameter lists. | |
gd_info | JPG Support attribute renamed to JPEG Support. | |
get_class | NULL è diventato il valore di default per object, quindi passare NULL a object ora ha lo stesso risultato di non passare nessun valore. | |
get_object_vars | Questa funzione ora restituisce NULL se object non è un oggetto. In precedenza veniva restituito FALSE. | |
getimagesize | Added icon support. | |
hash_algos | Support for md2, ripemd256, ripemd320, salsa10, salsa20, snefru256 and sha224 was added | |
imagecolorclosesthwb | This function is now available on Windows | |
imagefilter | Pixelation support (IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE) was added. | |
inet_ntop | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
inet_pton | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
is_a | Questa funzione non è più deprecata, e quindi non genererà warning E_STRICT. | |
json_decode | Added the optional depth. The default recursion depth was increased from 128 to 512 | |
json_encode | The options parameter was added. | |
mb_get_info | The entry "http_output_conv_mimetypes" was made available. | |
mcrypt_create_iv | It is no longer required to call srand first. This is now done automatically. | |
mcrypt_create_iv | MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM and MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM became available on Windows platforms. | |
property_exists | This function checks the existence of a property independent of accessibility. | |
rawurlencode | Now conforms to RFC 3986. | |
register_tick_function | Ticks are now supported on threaded web server modules. | |
setlocale | Questa funzione emette un avviso E_DEPRECATED se una stringa è passata al parametro category invece che una delle costanti LC_*. | |
spl_autoload_register | The prepend parameter was added. | |
spl_autoload_register | Namespaces support was introduced. | |
stream_context_create | Added the optional params argument. | |
stream_socket_pair | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
sybase_connect | The new parameter was added. | |
time_nanosleep | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
time_sleep_until | This function is now available on Windows platforms. | |
mysqli::__construct | Added the ability of persistent connections. | |
mysqli::query | Added the ability of async queries. | |
ReflectionFunction::__construct | name can now be a closure. | |
SplObjectStorage::attach | Added the data parameter. | |
5.2.15 | mysqli_driver::$report_mode | Changing the reporting mode is now be per-request, rather than per-process. |
5.2.8 | XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet | Accepts SimpleXMLElement again which was broken since PHP 5.2.6. |
5.2.7 | error_log | Aggiunto il valore 4 per message_type |
5.2.5 | addcslashes | Sono state aggiunte le sequenze di escape \v e \f. |
debug_backtrace | Aggiunto il parametro opzionale provide_object. | |
imagefilter | Alpha support for IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE was added. | |
5.2.4 | ldap_first_attribute | The ber_identifier was removed. This is now handled automatically by PHP. |
ldap_next_attribute | The ber_identifier was removed. This is now handled automatically by PHP. | |
stream_wrapper_register | Added the flags parameter. | |
5.2.3 | getimagesize | Read errors generated by this function downgraded to E_NOTICE from E_WARNING. |
json_decode | The nesting limit was increased from 20 to 128 | |
XMLWriter::writeElement | The content parameter became optional. | |
XMLWriter::writeElementNS | The content parameter became optional. | |
PDOStatement::getColumnMeta | table field | |
5.2.2 | proc_terminate | Previous versions used to destroy the given process resource. |
token_get_all | Line numbers are returned in element 2 | |
5.2.1 | iterator_to_array | The use_keys parameter was added. |
json_decode | Added support for JSON decoding of basic types. | |
memory_get_peak_usage | Compiling with --enable-memory-limit is no longer required for this function to exist. | |
proc_open | Added the bypass_shell option to the other_options parameter. | |
5.2.0 | base64_decode | strict added |
curl_multi_info_read | È stato aggiunto msgs_in_queue. | |
error_reporting | Inserita E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. | |
imagettftext | It is now possible to specify an hexadecimal entity in text. | |
imap_open | n_retries added | |
imap_reopen | n_retries added | |
mb_strrpos | Added the optional parameter offset. | |
memory_get_peak_usage | real_usage was added. | |
openssl_verify | The signature_alg parameter was added. | |
setcookie | The httponly parameter was added. | |
setrawcookie | The httponly parameter was added. | |
snmp_set_oid_numeric_print | Since PHP 5.2.0. | |
PDOStatement::execute | The keys from input_parameters must match the ones declared in the SQL. Before PHP 5.2.0 this was silently ignored. | |
SimpleXMLElement::children | The optional parameter is_prefix was added. | |
SimpleXMLElement::__construct | Added the ns and is_prefix parameters. | |
SoapServer::SoapServer | Added the typemap option. | |
XMLReader::open | encoding and options were added. | |
XMLReader::XML | encoding and options were added. | |
5.1.3 | DirectoryIterator::__construct | Throws RuntimeException if the path is an empty string. |
curl_getinfo | Introdotto CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT. | |
get_headers | This function now uses the default stream context, which can be set/changed with the stream_context_set_default function. | |
http_build_query | Square brackets are escaped. | |
imagecolorallocate | Returns FALSE if the allocation failed. Previously -1 was returned. | |
imagecolorallocatealpha | Returns FALSE if the allocation failed. Previously -1 was returned. | |
imagepng | Added the filters parameter. | |
mb_get_info | The entries "mail_charset", "mail_header_encoding", and "mail_body_encoding" were made available. | |
SoapClient::__doRequest | The one_way parameter was added. | |
XMLReader::getAttribute | Return NULL if no attribute found. Previously, returned an empty string. | |
5.1.2 | date_default_timezone_set | The function started to validate the timezone_identifier parameter. |
header | This function now prevents more than one header to be sent at once as a protection against header injection attacks. | |
http_build_query | The arg_separator parameter was added. | |
imagepng | Added the quality parameter. | |
parse_url | Added the component parameter. | |
SimpleXMLElement::__construct | Added the options and data_is_url parameters. | |
5.1.1 | date | Ci sono delle costanti utili dei formati di data/ora standard che possono essere usate per specificare il parametro format. |
debug_backtrace | Aggiunto l'object corrente come possibile elemento di ritorno. | |
5.1.0 | DirectoryIterator::__construct | Throws RuntimeException on error. Previously, threw Exception. |
DOMDocument::save | Added the options parameter | |
DOMDocument::saveXML | Added the options parameter | |
class_implements | Added the option to pass the class parameter as a string. Added the autoload parameter. | |
class_parents | Added the option to pass the class parameter as a string. Added the autoload parameter. | |
ctype_digit | Prima di PHP 5.1.0, questa stringa restituiva TRUE quando text era una stringa vuota. | |
date | L'intervallo valido di un timestamp è tipicamente da Ven, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:54 GMT a Mar, 19 Gen 2038 03:14:07 GMT. (Queste sono le date che corrispondono al valore minimo e massimo per un intero con segno a 32-bit). Tuttavia, prima di PHP 5.1.0 questo intervallo era limitato da 01-01-1970 a 19-01-2038 su alcuni sistemi (es. Windows). | |
date | Ora emette gli errori time zone E_STRICT e E_NOTICE | |
date_sunrise | Ora emette gli errori time zone E_STRICT e E_NOTICE | |
date_sunset | Ora emette gli errori time zone E_STRICT e E_NOTICE | |
file_put_contents | Added support for LOCK_EX and the ability to pass a stream resource to the data parameter | |
get_parent_class | Se venisse chiamata senza parametro fuori dall'oggetto, questa funzione dovrebbe restituire NULL con un avvertimento, ma ora restituisce FALSE. | |
glob | GLOB_ERR was added | |
idate | Ora emette gli errori time zone E_STRICT e E_NOTICE | |
imagerotate | ignore_transparent was added. | |
intval | Genera E_NOTICE e restituisce 1, quando un oggetto è passato a var. | |
md5_file | Modificata la funzione in modo che usi le API di stream. Questo significa che si può utilizzare questa funzione con wrapper, come md5_file('http://example.com/..') | |
openssl_pkcs7_verify | The content parameter was added. | |
session_regenerate_id | Added the delete_old_session parameter. | |
sha1_file | Modificata la funzione per utilizzare lr API streams. Ciò significa che si può utlizzare la funzione con i vari warppers, tipo sha1_file('http://example.com/..') | |
str_word_count | Aggiunto il parametro charlist | |
stream_copy_to_stream | Added the offset parameter | |
stream_filter_append | Prior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns TRUE on success o FALSE in caso di fallimento. | |
stream_filter_prepend | Prior to PHP 5.1.0, this function returns TRUE on success o FALSE in caso di fallimento. | |
stream_get_contents | The offset was added. | |
var_export | Possibilità di esportare classi e array contenenti classi utilizzando il metodo magico __set_state(). | |
XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions | The restrict parameter was added. | |
5.0.5 | php_check_syntax | This function was removed from PHP. |
5.0.4 | msql_fetch_array | A bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array. |
msql_fetch_object | A bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array. | |
msql_fetch_row | A bug was fixed when retrieving data from columns containing NULL values. Such columns were not placed into the resulting array. | |
5.0.3 | get_class_vars | In base all'ambito, get_class_vars restituirà solo le proprietà che possono essere accedute dall'ambito corrente. |
is_subclass_of | Si potrebbe anche specificare il parametro object come una stringa (il nome della classe) | |
php_check_syntax | Calling exit after php_check_syntax resulted in a Segfault. | |
5.0.2 | class_exists | Non restituisce più TRUE per le interfacce definite. Utilizzare interface_exists. |
get_class_vars | Chiamando get_class_vars verranno esposte tutte le proprietà come array, a differenza dei precedenti comportamenti dove le proprietà protected e private erano prefissate con byte nul. | |
5.0.1 | get_class_vars | Chiamando get_class_vars verranno esposte tutte le proprietà, come quando si converte un oggetto in una classe. |
php_check_syntax | error_message is passed by reference. | |
5.0.0 | apache_get_modules | Became available when using Apache 1, or the PHP Apache 2 filter API. Before this time, it was only available when using the Apache 2 handler API. |
error_reporting | Inserita E_STRICT (non fa parte di E_ALL). | |
is_a | Questa funzione venne deprecata in favore dell'operatore instanceof. La chiamata a questa funzione risulterà in un warning E_STRICT. | |
opendir | path accetta il wrapper URL ftp:// . | |
sha1_file | Aggiunto il parametro raw_output. |