PHP Manual

Costanti predefinite

Queste costanti sono definite da questa estensione e sono disponibili solo se l'estensione è stata compilata nel PHP o se è stata caricata dinamicamente a runtime.

FTP_ASCII (integer)

FTP_TEXT (integer)

FTP_BINARY (integer)

FTP_IMAGE (integer)


See ftp_set_option() for information.

The following constants were introduced in PHP 4.3.0.

FTP_AUTOSEEK (integer)

See ftp_set_option() for information.


Automatically determine resume position and start position for GET and PUT requests (only works if FTP_AUTOSEEK is enabled)

FTP_FAILED (integer)

Asynchronous transfer has failed

FTP_FINISHED (integer)

Asynchronous transfer has finished

FTP_MOREDATA (integer)

Asynchronous transfer is still active

PHP Manual