IMAP Funzioni
PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_clearflag_fullClears flags on messages


bool imap_clearflag_full ( resource $imap_stream , string $sequence , string $flag [, int $options = 0 ] )

This function causes a store to delete the specified flag to the flags set for the messages in the specified sequence.

Elenco dei parametri


Uno stream IMAP restituito da imap_open().


A sequence of message numbers. You can enumerate desired messages with the X,Y syntax, or retrieve all messages within an interval with the X:Y syntax


The flags which you can unset are "\\Seen", "\\Answered", "\\Flagged", "\\Deleted", and "\\Draft" (as defined by » RFC2060)


options are a bit mask and may contain the single option:

  • ST_UID - The sequence argument contains UIDs instead of sequence numbers

Valori restituiti

Restituisce TRUE in caso di successo, FALSE in caso di fallimento.

Vedere anche:

IMAP Funzioni
PHP Manual