Ingres Funzioni
PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PECL ingres >= 1.0.0)

ingres_field_typeGet the type of a field in a query result


string ingres_field_type ( resource $result , int $index )

Get the type of a field in a query result.

Nota: Related Configurations

See ingres.array_index_start in Runtime Configuration

Elenco dei parametri


The query result identifier


index is the field whose type will be retrieved.

The possible values of index depend upon the value of ingres.array_index_start. If ingres.array_index_start is 1 (the default) then index must be between 1 and the value returned by ingres_num_fields(). If ingres.array_index_start is 0 then index must be between 0 and ingres_num_fields() - 1.

Valori restituiti

ingres_field_type() returns the type of a field in a query result o FALSE in caso di fallimento. Examples of types returned are IIAPI_BYTE_TYPE, IIAPI_CHA_TYPE, IIAPI_DTE_TYPE, IIAPI_FLT_TYPE, IIAPI_INT_TYPE, IIAPI_VCH_TYPE. Some of these types can map to more than one SQL type depending on the length of the field (see ingres_field_length()). For example IIAPI_FLT_TYPE can be a float4 or a float8. For detailed information, see the Ingres OpenAPI User Guide, Appendix "Data Types" in the Ingres documentation.

Vedere anche:

Ingres Funzioni
PHP Manual