PostgreSQL Funzioni
PHP Manual


(PHP 5 >= 5.4.4)

pg_escape_literal Escape a literal for insertion into a text field


string pg_escape_literal ([ resource $connection ], string $data )

pg_escape_literal() escapes a literal for querying the PostgreSQL database. It returns an escaped literal in the PostgreSQL format. pg_escape_literal() adds quotes before and after data. Users should not add quotes. Use of this function is recommended instead of pg_escape_string(). If the type of the column is bytea, pg_escape_bytea() must be used instead. For escaping identifiers (e.g. table, field names), pg_escape_identifier() must be used.


This function has internal escape code and can also be used with PostgreSQL 8.4 or less.

Elenco dei parametri


PostgreSQL database connection resource. When connection is not present, the default connection is used. The default connection is the last connection made by pg_connect() or pg_pconnect().


A string containing text to be escaped.

Valori restituiti

A string containing the escaped data.


Example #1 pg_escape_literal() example

// Connect to the database
$dbconn pg_connect('dbname=foo');
// Read in a text file (containing apostrophes and backslashes)
$data file_get_contents('letter.txt');
// Escape the text data
$escaped pg_escape_literal($data);
// Insert it into the database. Note that no quotes around {$escaped}
pg_query("INSERT INTO correspondence (name, data) VALUES ('My letter', {$escaped})");

Vedere anche:

PostgreSQL Funzioni
PHP Manual