PHP Manual


(PECL memcached >= 0.1.0)

Memcached::casCompare and swap an item


public bool Memcached::cas ( float $cas_token , string $key , mixed $value [, int $expiration ] )

Memcached::cas() performs a "check and set" operation, so that the item will be stored only if no other client has updated it since it was last fetched by this client. The check is done via the cas_token parameter which is a unique 64-bit value assigned to the existing item by memcache. See the documentation for Memcached::get*() methods for how to obtain this token. Note that the token is represented as a double due to the limitations of PHP's integer space.

Elenco dei parametri


Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcache.


La chiave in cui salvare il valore.


Il valore da salvare.


La data di scadenza, il default รจ 0. Vedere Date di scadenza per ulteriori informazioni.

Valori restituiti

Restituisce TRUE in caso di successo, FALSE in caso di fallimento. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_DATA_EXISTS if the item you are trying to store has been modified since you last fetched it.


Example #1 Memcached::cas() example

= new Memcached();

do {
/* fetch IP list and its token */
$ips $m->get('ip_block'null$cas);
/* if list doesn't exist yet, create it and do
       an atomic add which will fail if someone else already added it */
if ($m->getResultCode() == Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND) {
$ips = array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
/* otherwise, add IP to the list and store via compare-and-swap
       with the token, which will fail if someone else updated the list */
} else { 
$ips[] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
} while (
$m->getResultCode() != Memcached::RES_SUCCESS);


Vedere anche:

PHP Manual