PHP Manual


(PECL mongo >= 1.3.0)

MongoLog::setCallbackSets a callback function to be invoked for events


public static void MongoLog::setCallback ( callable $log_function )

This function will set a callback function to be invoked for events in lieu of emitting of PHP notice.

Elenco dei parametri


The callback function to be invoked on events. It should have the following prototype:

log_function ( int $module , int $level , string $message )
One of the MongoLog module constants.
One of the MongoLog level constants.
The log message itself.

Valori restituiti

Restituisce TRUE in caso di successo, FALSE in caso di fallimento.


Example #1 MongoLog::setCallback() example


function module2string($module)
    switch (
$module) {
MongoLog::RS: return "REPLSET";
MongoLog::CON: return "CON";
MongoLog::IO: return "IO";
MongoLog::SERVER: return "SERVER";
MongoLog::PARSE: return "PARSE";
        default: return 

    switch (
$level) {
MongoLog::WARNING: return "WARN";
MongoLog::INFO: return "INFO";
MongoLog::FINE: return "FINE";
        default: return 

date("Y-m-d H:i:s - ");
printf("%s (%s): %s\n"module2string($module), level2string($level), $message);


// We specify the function name here, but any callable (e.g. anonymous function) will work


Il precedente esempio visualizzerĂ  qualcosa simile a:

2013-07-09 09:41:42 - PARSE (INFO): Parsing localhost:27017
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - PARSE (INFO): - Found node: localhost:27017
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - PARSE (INFO): - Connection type: STANDALONE
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): mongo_get_read_write_connection: finding a STANDALONE connection
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): connection_create: creating new connection for localhost:27017
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): stream_connect: Not establishing SSL for localhost:27017
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): get_server_flags: start
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): send_packet: read from header: 36
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): send_packet: data_size: 95
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): get_server_flags: setting maxBsonObjectSize to 16777216
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): get_server_flags: setting maxMessageSizeBytes to 48000000
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): is_ping: pinging localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): send_packet: read from header: 36
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (FINE): send_packet: data_size: 17
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - CON (INFO): is_ping: last pinged at 1373359302; time: 0ms
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): finding candidate servers
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - all servers
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): filter_connections: adding connections:
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): filter_connections: done
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): limiting by seeded/discovered servers
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): limiting by seeded/discovered servers: done
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): limiting by credentials
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): limiting by credentials: done
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): sorting servers by priority and ping time
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): sorting servers: done
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): selecting near servers
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): selecting near servers: nearest is 0ms
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (FINE): selecting near server: done
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (INFO): pick server: random element 0
2013-07-09 09:41:42 - REPLSET (INFO): - connection: type: STANDALONE, socket: 42, ping: 0, hash: localhost:27017;-;.;1543



This function is only available with PHP 5.3.0 and later.

PHP Manual