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Chapter 10. Developing a Protection Strategy—Workshop A (Process 8A)

The stage is now set for you to address your most important security-related issues. The activities that you have completed to this point in the evaluation have enabled you to define your organization's unique information security risks and have laid a foundation for addressing those risks. You are ready to solve the puzzle.

The first workshop of process 8 marks the transition from identifying and characterizing risks to addressing them. In this workshop you develop both strategic and tactical solutions designed to manage the uncertainty your organization faces due to its information security risks. At the end of this workshop you will have produced a proposed protection strategy for organizational security improvement and risk mitigation plans to reduce the risks to your organization's critical assets.


10.1 Overview of Process 8A

10.2 Before the Workshop: Consolidate Information from Processes 1 to 3

10.3 Review Risk Information

10.4 Create Protection Strategy

10.5 Create Risk Mitigation Plans

10.6 Create Action List

10.7 Incorporating Probability into Risk Mitigation

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